Hello there, thanks for stopping by my blog today! I hope you find some interesting content and maybe you learn something. After all, the reason why this blog exists, is for me to share knowledge and experiences. Over time, I have multiple times found answers in similar blogs and I feel like it is time for me to give back to our global tech-community.
I am the sole author of this blog and my name is Nikos, I am a Senior Cloud Engineer & Cloud Evangelist, based in Malmö, Sweden, building awesome digital products, as a freelancer.
Since ~2012 I have been working professionally with a wide variety of Microsoft-technologies & frameworks. My main area of focus is Microsoft Azure and I enjoy designing cloud solutions as much as implementing .NET apps. In fact I enjoy it that much that I do my best to always keep my skills up-to-date and certified!
Would you like to get to know me better? Take a look at my LinkedIn profile.