This year, Carlo Goretti and I had the joy to run a series of sessions where we went through the basic elements of Azure IoT and what it takes to get started with it. Our dear friends from the Azure Skåne community offered us the stage and provided us with an Azure Heroes badge and we were all set to go!
We ran the following agenda:
Day 1
We went through the basics of Internet of Things (IoT) and Azure IoT. After creating a virtual sensor that transmitted temperatures every minute to an Azure IoT Hub, we create an Azure Function which fetches those temperatures and made sure that an email went away if the temperature was above a certain value.
Day 2
The goal of the second day was to present the data coming from our “device”. Having gone through the basics, we decided to take a deeper dive and show how you can use Stream Analytics Jobs to canalize data to a Postgres database which we used as a Data Source for our Grafana instance.
Day 3
The 3rd was unfortunately cancelled due to unforeseeable events.
Day 4
For me this was the highlight of the whole series. Microsoft MVP (on IoT) Maria-Anastasia Moustaka honored us with her presence and answered all our questions, in an awesome AMA-session!
Day 5
Last day and last session for this series, Carlo and I had a short review and went through what we did and we learned. After that, we went out and had a beer with some great friends and colleagues.
We had lots of fun! We hope that so did those that attended the bootcamp!